How do I get assessed for Autism in Geelong

How do I get assessed for Autism in Geelong

Understanding and addressing Autism is crucial for individuals and their families. If you suspect Autism in yourself or a loved one, seeking an assessment is the first step toward support and intervention. Here’s a simple guide on how to get assessed for Autism.

  1. Start with Your Doctor: Initiate the process by discussing your concerns with your GP. They can provide valuable insights and guide you to the right specialists.
  2. Consult with Specialists: Reach out to specialists who have expertise in Autism, such as Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists or Paediatricians. Clinical Psychologists are well-equipped to assess Autism. They utilize a variety of tools, interviews, and observations to understand social, communication, and behavioural patterns.
  3. Explore School Resources: If the individual is a student, connect with the special education department at the school. Schools often have resources and can either conduct assessments or direct you to professionals who can.
  4. Involve Paediatricians for Children: For children, paediatricians play a pivotal role in assessing and diagnosing Autism.
  5. Check Medicare Rebates: Before proceeding, check with Medicare to understand coverage for Autism assessments. Under 25’s seeking a diagnosis do get a rebate for the equivalent of 4 sessions when they have a Paediatric referral. Be aware of any potential out-of-pocket costs.
  6. Connect with Support Organizations: Autism support groups can provide valuable information and guidance on assessment services. They often have a network of professionals experienced in diagnosing Autism.
  7. Patience is Key: Remember that the assessment process takes time and involves sharing information about the individual’s developmental history. Starting early can lead to timely support and intervention.

Getting assessed for Autism is a proactive step toward understanding and managing the condition. Early intervention can significantly impact outcomes, making the journey smoother for individuals and their families. Seek support, ask questions, and take that first step toward a more informed and empowered future.

Our highly trained team at Mindwell Psychology can provide comprehensive testing for Autism and other conditions in both children and adults. Please contact our Geelong-based practice for further information on 03 5215 6262.